Daniel Folkman, Angel Investor

About Daniel Folkman, Angel Investor

Daniel Folkman graduated from Syracuse University's Whitman School of Management in 2012 with a dual major in Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises and Finance and a minor in Economics. While at Syracuse, Daniel participated in the Syracuse Student Sandbox, the IDEA Awards Competition, and many other startup-related events. He has since spent time investing and advising in early-stage startups, participating on panels at national events and conferences such as Bloomberg Tech Summit, Grocery Shop, SXSW, and speaking to Fortune 500 executive teams on innovation, new retail, and digital transformation. Additionally, he serves on the Young Whitman Advisory Council for the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University and is an active angel investor with 30+ investments across early-stage tech and consumer goods companies.
  • Daniel Folkman, Angel Investor