Coyote Ventures

About Coyote Ventures

Coyote Ventures backs founders who are solving problems that disproportionately affect overlooked populations, with a foundation in women’s health. Founded by scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors, Coyote takes an integrative view of health that spans physical, financial, and emotional health. The Coyote team includes 11 Venture Partners and over 50 expert advisors. Coyote has completed 10 investments and is actively investing to create a synergistic portfolio of innovative health-centric solutions. Coyote Ventures invests in seed-stage startups, with a focus on digital health. We ensure that the founders we invest in have expertise in their domain and lived experiences with the populations they are designing for. Our definition of health encompasses physical, financial, mental, emotional, occupational, developmental, interpersonal, community, and environmental health.
  • Jessica Karr, Founder