Colorado Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Program

About Colorado Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Program

Funded by the USDA, the RFSI program intends to serve middle-of-the-supply-chain needs in order to add value and provide more, new, and better markets for locally or regionally produced food and small and mid-size producers. Middle-of-the-supply-chain can typically be thought of as after harvest and before retail. This program is to support food system crops and products meant for human consumption (excluding meat and poultry products, which are funded through other USDA programs). Eligible products include: fruit, vegetable, grain, legumes, aquaculture, dairy, and other food products. Ineligible products include: meat and poultry, wild-caught seafood, exclusively animal feed and forage products, fiber, landscaping products, tobacco, or dietary supplements. The RFSI grant program is administered by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA). Note: Per USDA requirements, CDA will prioritize grant applications that serve: -Underserved farmers and ranchers. -New and beginning farmers or ranchers. -Veteran producers. -Processors and other middle-of-the-supply businesses owned by socially disadvantaged individuals, as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA). And focus funding on projects that… -Offer family-supporting job quality (with respect to earnings/benefits) and enhance the treatment/safety of workers. -Focus on small and medium-sized enterprises that add options and choices for consumers and producers (emphasis on value-added and market access). -Demonstrate local producer and/or community support for the project. -Support underserved communities (producers and/or consumers). -Are submitted by cooperatives, farmer- and worker-owned enterprises.
  • Ariana (Ari) Antonio, Executive Assistant