Colorado Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant

About Colorado Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant

CDOT offers grants to agencies, organizations, and tribal governments within the State of Colorado that provide programs, projects, services, and strategies that are intended to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries resulting from traffic crashes on Colorado roads. The proposed projects must impact at least one of the following core performance measures: Reduce the number of traffic fatalities. Reduce the number of serious injuries in traffic crashes. Reduce the fatalities per Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). Reduce the number of unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities, all seat positions. Reduce the number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a BAC of .08 and above. Reduce the number of speeding-related fatalities. Reduce the number of drivers age 20 or younger involved in fatal crashes. Reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities. Reduce the number of bicyclist fatalities. Reduce the number of distraction-affected fatal crashes. Reduce the number of fatalities in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle operator testing positive for +> 5ng of Delta 9 THC.
  • Brittany Janes, Program Manager