City of Evanston Entrepreneurship Support Grant

About City of Evanston Entrepreneurship Support Grant

The program is intended to assist in the growth of jobs in Evanston through entrepreneurship, helping residents and local business owners to create jobs by starting and retaining sustainable small businesses. Funds can be used to cover operating expenses, equipment, licensing fees, and other eligible expenses. Who is eligible? 1) Businesses with a physical location in Evanston who have been operating for two years or less and are properly registered and/or licensed with the City of Evanston. Home-based businesses qualify if the business owner is an Evanston resident. Non-residents are eligible only if operating a business at a physical location in Evanston, and must provide documentation of the business address through ownership or lease documentation which identifies the applicant specifically. 2) Completed applications must include three quotes for each service or expense for which funding assistance is requested, including at least one quote from an Evanston-based provider whenever possible. 3) Applicants must have no outstanding parking tickets and be current on all fees, taxes, utility bills and debts owed to the City of Evanston.
  • Saúl Rodriguez, Deputy City Clerk