Chris Romeo, Angel Investor

About Chris Romeo, Angel Investor

Chris Romeo is the CEO and co-founder of Security Journey. His passion is to bring security culture change to all organizations. Chris is first and foremost a security culture hacker, designing security training programs and building an internal security community. He was the Chief Security Advocate at Cisco for five years, where he guided SecurityAdvocates, empowering engineers to "build security in" to all products at Cisco. He led the creation of Cisco’s internal, end-to-end security belt program launched in 2012. Chris has twenty years of experience in security, holding positions across the gamut, including application security, penetration testing, and incident response. Chris is the General Partner at Kerr Ventures. At Kerr Ventures, he focuses on startup investing/advising and consulting. They provide experienced application security guidance and invest in game-changing cybersecurity startups. Kerr Ventures is based on the wisdom, knowledge, and experience Chris and Deb Romeo gained, starting Security Journey in 2016 and leading the company to a successful exit in 2022. Chris and Deb are passionate about growing entrepreneurs and companies by offering advice and investing in new ideas. Kerr Ventures exists for four primary reasons. First, education. We provide free resources via podcasts, webinars, and newsletters. Second, investment. We provide money, expertise, and advice at every step of the founder's journey. Third, incubation. We bring our wisdom and experience to every company we work with. Fourth, consulting. We can help your company improve your application security — at any scale.