About Champion Impact Capital
Champion Impact Capital develops creative, impactful public-private partnerships to sustainably invest in the long-term social and environmental health of communities. Our expertise in municipal finance, real estate, and ESG investing has enabled us to develop creative capital structures across a variety of issues and asset classes functioning as project development intermediaries, asset managers, and principal investors.
Champion created On the Road Sustainability Funds, which fall under the category of ESG impact investing and are structured similar to private equity LLCs. Impact investors, including individuals, corporations and foundations, have invested capital into the funds, which are then used to finance below-market auto loans for late model, fuel-efficient vehicles for working families.
Champion Impact Capital uses financial architecture to partner the capital markets with governments in addressing a community's goals. Champion structures projects where both parties are able to come together and accomplish their goals. This form of impact investing benefits all.
- Michelle Corson, Founder & CEO
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