About CGI

As a family-funded private equity firm, GCI is committed to fostering sustainable, mutually rewarding partnerships with passionate people who lead innovative companies. We are dedicated to providing patient capital, vital central-office resources, and ongoing strategic business expertise. With this support system, we relieve our companies from near-term pressures and give them the tools to focus on long-term substantive outcomes that impact all stakeholders, including management, their employees, and the community. Typically, GCI invests in early-stage companies that offer products or services which currently produce sales. However, this rule is not hard and fast. Without limited partners or a prescribed time frame, GCI has the flexibility to invest in companies outside of these parameters. We invest in growth-oriented and top-line-focused companies that can command attractive margins. Most importantly, the companies we work with have quality people that share our goals and vision.
  • Phil Smith, Director of Investments