Central Texas Angel Network

About Central Texas Angel Network

The Central Texas Angel Network (CTAN) is one of the premier sources of capital and mentorship for early-stage entrepreneurs in Texas. Our mission is: 1. Provide quality early-stage investment opportunities for accredited angel investors. 2. Assist entrepreneurs and early-stage growth companies by serving as a key source of funding, mentorship, strategic advice, and educational resources. Investment Criteria -Valuation: We invest in Pre-Seed and Seed deals with an average pre-money valuation of $4.72M, with Pre-Seed typically at a lower valuation than that average. CTAN members have invested in Series A deals with an average pre-money valuation of $11.01M. Based on these averages, your deal should be within a similar range, adjusted for your stage and sector, if applicable. -Management Team: We are interested in companies that are driven by an energetic, talented team of founders and advisers. We particularly look for a track record of successful performance. -Market Opportunity: We invest in ventures that are focused on a large market opportunity with sufficient untapped potential. Your business strategy must reflect a realistic approach to its potential to capture a significant share of your target market. -Proof of Concept: Your venture will have progressed beyond product proof-of-concept to clearly demonstrate its feasibility. Examples of feasibility may include paid pilots or customers. -Proprietary Assets: Your company should be able to demonstrate its key value proposition and competitive advantage. The venture should possess proprietary assets, intellectual property, or processes that distinguish it from its competitors. -Rapid Growth Potential: Your company should have a scalable business design with solid prospects for rapid growth. In particular, your company should have a clear strategy for generating profits and managing revenue sources effectively. -Market Differentiation: We are looking for companies that are working toward compelling and defendable market differentiation. Your company will be focused on developing a strong business presence and establishing clear dominance in your market. -Realistic Financials: You are realistic about your financing plan to fund growth toward profitability. Your venture should have a clear, actionable plan and a feasible forecast of revenue projections taking into account different conditions to predict likely outcomes.
  • Claire Hansen, Investment Director