Capital Angel Network

About Capital Angel Network

The Capital Angel Network is a network of angel investors in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. CAN actively engage with the Ottawa startup ecosystem by integrating directly with local incubators and accelerators. As an entrepreneur when approaching CAN your startup should’ve already received funding from government grants and family & friends. Although this is not mandatory, your product is ideally in the market with a growing customer base. Your startup is now prepared for an injection of capital that will accelerate your growth. Most companies that approach CAN are raising between $500K & $1M.CAN has invested in a diverse portfolio of companies ranging from a food waste recycler to a spectrum analyzer to a platform for bus rentals. However, given the background of CAN’s 50+ members our portfolio primarily consists of the following verticals: B2B/Enterprise SaaS Internet of Things Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Health & Wellness Technology
  • Charlie Banks, Managing Director