Cambridge Storefront Improvement Program

About Cambridge Storefront Improvement Program

The Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) helps property owners and business tenants improve the front of their commercial building by paying for a portion of select construction or rehabilitation costs. SIP funds are paid in the form of a reimbursement check upon project completion. SIP funds are a grant, not a loan. Cambridge property owners or business tenants are now eligible for up to $50,000 in funds. Approved accessibility costs are reimbursed at a rate of 90% (up to $25,000), and all other approved costs are reimbursed at a rate of 50% (up to $25,000). Past awardees can reapply for grant funding three years after completing a previously awarded project. Past SIP funds have been reimbursed to projects that: • Create more accessible front entrances by installing new ramps, walkways, and/or automatic doors with push buttons. * perM.G.L. c. 22, § 13A, of 521 CMR • Improve the energy efficiency of first-floor spaces through new doors and windows, as well as other mitigation treatments like awnings. • Restore historic elements or add new design elements that improve the overall look of the building. • Increase the visibility of the storefront by installing new signage, including blade signs and window graphics. • Add exterior lighting, permanent planter boxes, new paint, or other fixtures that elevate a storefront appearance. To qualify for reimbursement funds, interested property owners and business tenants must complete an SIP application, provide quotes and designs from contractors or vendors, and be approved by the SIP manager to enter into a contract with the City of Cambridge.
  • Christina DiLisio, Program Coordinator