Cambridge Retail Interior Accessibility Program

About Cambridge Retail Interior Accessibility Program

The Retail Interior Accessibility Program (RIAP) helps property owners and business tenants improve the accessibility of the inside of their commercial building by paying for a portion of select construction or rehabilitation costs. RIAP funds are paid in the form of a reimbursement check upon project completion. RIAP funds are a grant, not a loan, and are not considered taxable income. Approved projects are now eligible for 90% reimbursement, up to $25,000 in funds. Past awardees can reapply for grant funding three years after completing a previously awarded project. Past RIAP funds have been reimbursed to projects built according to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB) standards and regulations, such as: • Accessible bathrooms • Bar/Restaurant countertops built to accessible heights • Checkout or sales register countertops built to accessible heights • Shelving installed at accessible heights • Tables, chairs, or other seating built to accessibility regulations • Interior lifts • Interior ramps and/or walkways To qualify for reimbursement funds, interested property owners and business tenants must complete an RIAP application, provide quotes and designs from contractors and vendors, and be approved by the RIAP manager to enter into a contract with the City of Cambridge. Improvements made prior to approval of a design and execution of a contract will not be funded. Large-scale projects may require a licensed architect and contractor to refine a conceptual design and implement the city-approved plans.
  • Christina DiLisio, Program Coordinator