Breakthrough 307

About Breakthrough 307

Breakthrough 307 is Wyoming's only organized angel investment group that provides early-stage seed capital to high-growth potential companies in Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West. Wyoming has long suffered an economic boom and bust cycle, heavily dependent on natural resources that dwell within our beautiful landscape. Although there have been many efforts to expand our economic base, one constant gap remains-- early-stage seed capital for start-up companies. ​ Breakthrough 307 is an organized group of accredited individuals who look for high-growth potential, job-producing, economy-expanding ventures backed by enthusiastic entrepreneurs. ​ When an entrepreneur partners with Breakthrough 307, we strive to ensure a culture of like-minded individuals and provide access to resources and invaluable connections that companies need to be successful. Through this partnership, entrepreneurs are surrounded by a constructively supportive group who want to build profitable companies and promote growth through idea and experience sharing.
  • Jerad Stack, Founding Partner