Bill Brennan, Angel Investor
About Bill Brennan, Angel Investor
Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, and Speaker.
Mr. Brennan is a founder and/or co-founder of 10+ start-ups. In 1984 he launched DataMarketing Network and as CEO led the company's growth to become one of the largest direct marketing and data service companies in the Southeast. One of his other companies sold for $100+ million. With over 30 years of business experience, Mr. Brennan has deep knowledge of big data, technology, database marketing, analytics, and healthcare. He wrote and was granted a patent for one of his inventions.
Mr. Brennan is currently invested in a dozen start-ups and is an active board member. He divides his time between mentoring, angel investing, and speaking. Married for over 35 years, he enjoys traveling with his wife and three children.
- Bill Brennan, Angel Investor
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