Ballistic Ventures

About Ballistic Ventures

Ballistic Ventures is a new kind of venture capital firm, built by and for cybersecurity entrepreneurs and investors. For over 35 years, our work in the field has granted us exclusive insights into the evolution of the cyber threat landscape. We’ve tracked its progression from the benign hacking of the 80s to the ruthless and insidious attacks on individuals and nations alike, which disrupt millions of lives daily. As technological innovation continues at a blistering pace, every aspect of our physical lives will soon be accessible online. Without fail, nefarious acts will follow. There's no turning back. Adaptation is the only reasonable response. Ballistic Ventures was formed out of a profound sense of urgency and moral responsibility to address the growing threats to society’s digital infrastructure. We believe that the most important action we can take today is to empower the world’s greatest cybersecurity entrepreneurs with our collective experience, network, and passion. Together, we can turn the tide at this crucial inflection point to ensure a safe, prosperous future for all generations to come. For us, this mission is personal.
  • Jake Seid, Co-Founder & General Partner