Australia Business Growth Fund

About Australia Business Growth Fund

We’ve designed our investment model to respond to the needs of SME businesses like yours, delivering the capital and support you need to thrive. Our investment process begins with an exploration into your business, where it’s headed, and how our capital and expertise can accelerate growth. From there, we carefully develop a roadmap for the future that prioritizes getting your business the maximum benefit from ABGF backing. We’ll inject $5-$15 million of capital into your growth-ready business for a minority stake of up to 49%. Agile in our investment and flexible in our operations, we work in partnership with our investee companies to arrive at a structure that’s mutually beneficial and built to last. In addition to providing capital investment, we connect you to our talent network of business experts, growth strategists, board members, and seasoned entrepreneurs, who can provide advice and guidance throughout the partnership.
  • Anthony Healy, CEO