Atlanta Technology Angels

About Atlanta Technology Angels

Atlanta Technology Angels (ATA) is an organization comprised of active and accredited angel investors who share the goal of making informed, collaborative early-stage investments in promising Georgia-based companies. Investment Criteria -​Types of companies We invest in technology-oriented businesses with the potential to scale rapidly and with capital efficiency. -Geography Based in the Southeast. Better: Georgia or within a short drive of Atlanta. -Company stage Prototype complete or near-complete at a minimum. Better: Beta stage with pilots or paid pilots. Best: Fully-developed product with initial revenue and demonstrated customer interest. -Management team We look for talented management teams that demonstrate vision, focus, and the ability to execute. Prior CEO and domain experience are big pluses. -Industries We are interested in companies in any industry that leverage technology to create disruption. For medical device and biotech companies, we prefer products and services with a clear regulatory path. We generally do not invest in pharmaceuticals.
  • Matthew May, Partner