Arrowroot Capital Management

About Arrowroot Capital Management

Arrowroot Capital Management is a global growth equity firm based in Santa Monica, CA focused on minority, majority, and buyout investments in B2B software companies. The firm serves as a catalyst for growth-related initiatives by partnering with management and leveraging its deep enterprise software expertise to deliver meaningful, tangible value. Arrowroot has the flexibility to pursue opportunities of varying sizes, as well as a broad range of transaction types. Arrowroot also targets add-on acquisitions for its portfolio companies with a wider range of sizes and general criteria. Arrowroot’s capital is flexible, but investment characteristics generally include: – Board representation – 2 to 4 year hold periods – Highly incentivized management teams; commonly via new option grants – Arrowroot seeks to optimize the investment amount in order to efficiently grow businesses and create healthy capital risk dynamics for founders, current management, and past investors Target Company Characteristics: – $5 million+ revenue run-rate – Strong recurring revenue growth rate – Proven, effective and efficient sales and marketing strategy – Mission-critical, B2B software that typically solves a pain-point in compliance, workflow, security, and/or optimization
  • Matthew Safaii, Managing Partner