Applied Research Grant Program (AEDC)

About Applied Research Grant Program (AEDC)

The Arkansas Applied Research Grant Program sparks innovation by bridging the gap between private companies and Arkansas's academic powerhouses. This win-win partnership fuels economic growth through the transfer of cutting-edge research into real-world applications. Companies gain access to brilliant minds and funding to tackle challenges, while universities see their discoveries translated into tangible benefits for Arkansas. This potent mix fosters job creation, propels new technologies to market, and injects a shot of dynamism into the state's economy. So, if you're a company with a bold idea or a university brimming with research potential, don't wait – ignite the spark of collaboration and watch Arkansas flourish! Program details Matching grant funds: The program provides matching grant funds of up to $50,000 per project. Project duration: Projects must be completed within two years. Eligible applicants: Private companies and Arkansas-based colleges and universities are eligible to apply. Application process: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Selection criteria: Projects are selected based on their potential to create new jobs and economic growth in Arkansas.
  • Joshua Markham, Grants Manager