Arcus Capital Partners

About Arcus Capital Partners

The name of the firm was derived from Arcus, which is the Latin word for "arch". Throughout history, the arch has served as a symbol of support and integrity and is regarded as one of the greatest innovations in architecture. As such, atop the firm's arch is the Latin phrase "Semper Memor Futuri" or, "Always Mindful of the Future". The phrase underscores the Arcus belief that an investment approach that collectively anticipates future opportunities will, over the long term, outperform those that mimic current trends based on consensus thinking. And, like the arch, Arcus Capital Partners strives to support client objectives with innovation and integrity. Our Investment Process Develop a market outlook that is continuously updated and refined - Analyze and synthesize data from our universe of strategists, research firms, asset managers, and periodicals - Identify asset class mispricings and those we believe to be undervalued Establish a recommended asset allocation for each client based on investment goals, objectives, and liquidity needs - Customize based on dialogue with the client ​- Analyze alignment with our overall global framework Evaluate managers - Screen investment universe for managers using various institutional databases and financial industry contacts - Interview and analyze managers - Continue to search for and review new managers that fit a specific view or offer an innovative approach to finding value Implement and monitor a customized investment solution - Engage active and passive strategies to express our current views about asset classes - Provide a monthly or quarterly report on the entire portfolio - Monitor portfolio relative to strategy objectives
  • Matt B. Bailey, Director of Research