Anne Balduzzi, Angel Investor

About Anne Balduzzi, Angel Investor

Anne Balduzzi is an AI Strategist, Speaker, Founder, and Angel Investor. As an early pioneer of the Internet, Anne Balduzzi has decades of technology expertise. Her background includes product development and marketing management roles at Apple, AOL (when it was a start-up), and Viewtron, the first consumer online service in North America. After working in Silicon Valley and launching Apple’s first online service, she returned to the East Coast and founded Accelerate Partners, where she advised and invested in a wide range of early-stage and established technology companies. Anne, who has been recognized as one of the region's Top Women in Tech, is a speaker, author, and strategy consultant on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technology trends. She holds a patent in data match analysis and is the founder of SameGrain, an award-winning AI-enabled community engagement platform currently focused on mitigating suicide.
  • Anne Balduzzi, Angel Investor