Amplify Capital

About Amplify Capital

Our mission is to invest in mission-driven businesses that deliver a double bottom line: financial returns and social returns; we see entrepreneurship as a key to unlocking a future where people and nature thrive in a sustainable economy. Our thesis is simple. We believe if we use: best business practices, best community, environmental and social practices, and good governance to solve large societal challenges, we will deliver top-tier venture results. Amplify Capital is a seed-stage venture fund investing in technology companies, solving social and environmental market gaps. We believe that a thriving economy is one of reduced inequality based on a foundation of affordable clean energy, quality education, and healthcare. We are based in Canada and primarily invest in Canadian mission-driven teams that are creating scalable for-profit business solutions to build highly profitable and sustainable companies. We invest early in Series A, but expect teams to have proven their technology and product-market fit.
  • Kathryn Wortsman, Managing Partner