Accelerator Fund

About Accelerator Fund

When you consider the enormity of the benefits that the life science industry can have on society – life sciences innovation has the potential to cure catastrophic diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease – you can understand why we are so passionate about what we do. The Accelerator Fund makes investments in early-stage companies with roots in western Pennsylvania that focus on the following sub-segments within the life sciences industry: • Therapeutics – Therapeutics companies discover and develop remedies for disease or the alleviation of symptoms through chemical or biology-based actions within or on the body. • Diagnostics – Diagnostics identify the nature of a medical condition, determining whether a specified disease or disease process is present in a living organism. • Medical Devices – A medical device is an instrument, apparatus or implement intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. • Biotechnology Tools – Biotechnology tools assist the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries with applications that provide inputs into the discovery and development process. • Accelerator FundHealthcare Information Technology (HIT) – Healthcare IT is the intersection of information science, computer science and healthcare. HIT deals with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information in healthcare and biomedicine.
  • Diana Cugliari, Managing Director