Accelerate Blue Fund

About Accelerate Blue Fund

The Accelerate Blue Fund (AB Fund), established in October 2019, is an early-stage venture fund dedicated to investing in University of Michigan (U-M) licensed startups. The Fund's primary mission is to bridge the critical funding gap between a startup's initial launch and its ability to attract angel or venture capital funding. By focusing on startups rooted in U-M's cutting-edge intellectual property, the AB Fund not only bolsters the university’s nationally acclaimed reputation in research, technology innovation, and commercialization but also serves as a vital resource to accelerate the growth of these high-potential companies. Beyond providing patient, risk-tolerant early-stage capital, the AB Fund team offers comprehensive business mentoring and intellectual property support through U-M Innovation Partnerships. This holistic approach ensures that startups are equipped to scale effectively and sustainably. The economic impact of the Accelerate Blue Fund extends far beyond the university. By catalyzing the growth of U-M-affiliated startups, the Fund contributes to job creation, talent retention, and economic diversification in Michigan. These ventures have the potential to attract additional investment into the state, stimulate innovation-driven economic activity, and ultimately strengthen Michigan’s position as a hub for technology commercialization and high-growth entrepreneurship.
  • Mike Psarouthakis, Executive Director of Impact Investments