A Precision Medicine Approach to Improve the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Depression

About A Precision Medicine Approach to Improve the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Depression

The principles of precision medicine call for the modern application of scientific data and clinical practice toward the individualization of prevention, diagnosis, measurement, and treatment of disease and wellbeing. This funding opportunity aims to drive innovation in applying a precision medicine approach to improve clinical outcomes for patients with depression, particularly as a path to reducing health inequities. To ensure the RFP is responsive to community needs, CIAPM hosted a Request for Information and held listening sessions throughout California. California-based research teams must be co-led by at least one non-profit academic research institution and at least one non-profit community-based organization, patient advocacy group, community clinic, or public or tribal entity that provides support to people with or at risk for depression. A key component of these projects is authentic community partnerships with patients and other stakeholders who have a connection to, expertise in, or lived experience related to depression from project conception to project completion and beyond. By the full proposal stage, projects must also include at least one private sector collaborator who contributes in-kind, financial, or other resources to the project. The private sector collaborator should not be a PI, and CIAPM funds may not be allocated to support the salaries of private sector collaborators.
  • David Reiner, Grants Manager