10X Venture Partners

About 10X Venture Partners

10X Venture Partners is a seed-stage (and beyond) investment, group. We commit operational experience and dollars to our portfolio companies. We operate in a casual, open manner and we have a sense of humor. We are here to mentor founders and we get satisfaction in seeing you succeed. We will provide you open and direct feedback about your business whether we invest or not. You are not meeting with analysts; you are meeting with the principals of our group. When we do invest, we get involved. Our partners have direct operational experience and bring an extensive network of resources to bear to achieve success. Although we have a casual atmosphere, this is not a hobby. We invest to make money. Investment Criteria -We invest predominantly in mobile, internet, wireless, security, med-tech, and green tech. -We invest from the idea stage thru to $5m-10m revenue, profitable companies. We look for solid founders, a good idea, and a clearly articulated economic model. We prefer companies that have achieved revenue generation. -We prefer companies in the New England market. This allows us to provide hands-on assistance. That said, we open our geographic radius for the right opportunity. We also entertain syndicated deals.