Afterlife digital message delivery aimed to ease the inevitable grieving process for friends and family. Messages called "Ekkoes" can contain money and/ or repeat up to 3 years. No trust or will required.
In the US in 2024, there were 2,001,140 people diagnosed with cancer alone. With a minimum purchase of $29.98, if 25% of those diagnosed in 2024 (500,285 people) Revenue would have been $14,998,544. Without additional purchases and only the yearly subscription (assuming no deaths) in 2025, Revenue would be an additional $2,496,422.
Monetization efforts will consist of ongoing product promotion/ awareness, additional organic/ paid marketing for incremental Ekko purchases outside of the base package, along with (me) CEO/ Founder public speaking/ outreach to cancer organizations, mental health institutions, funeral homes, military, fire, and police institutions. Without being too specific I have unique offerings, along with my story and partnership:
After 30 years of above average health and thinking I’d live forever, an emergency biopsy confirmed I had cancerous brain tumors. From the biopsy to seven months of chemo and a stem cell transplant (all before and during COVID-19), my biggest concern was not death, but rather, no longer being a positive presence on the lives of the ones I love.
My cancer experience caused mild epilepsy and after experiencing a few seizures, I know life can ‘turn off’ without even knowing it. The unexpected losses of family and friends also inspired me to create something simple, unique and allow for money to transcend time without complex legal requirements. I want to change the way we think about the inevitable end and grieving for our self and others.
In the spirit of helping and inspiring hope, YourEkko has teamed up with Ohio State’s Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute to support the vision of a cancer-free world. I was treated at the OSUCCC – James, so it feels good to give back and help others who will be in my position or avoid the position entirely! YourEkko is donating monthly, per purchase, as well as unclaimed monetary gifts.
I graduated undergrad in 2011 with a Communication major and Business minor. in 2015 I graduated with a masters in Marketing and Communication. Since 2015 I've worked in Sales and Client Success, problem solving with clients, ensuring we retain and grow as much revenue as possible. From 2016 to 2018 I worked on a small business with a total of 10 employees facilitating a reward program that generated about $1M/ year in Revenue. The business included promoting and distributing rewards. Being on a small business helped me understand business financials, efficient communication, and how to facilitate distribution of mail. Mail is how I will facilitate money left for Recipients to claim.
Lastly, I began investing in the development of my Saas however development has been slow due to lack of funding. An MVP is ready to demo. I need a co-founder who has connections and experience in healthcare since my business goal is to help with grieving and change the way we think about death.
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