The revolutionary new YakShade provides outstanding shade protection while maintaining excellent watercraft stability. This patented shade structure can withstand 15-20 mph winds. YakShade can be assembled in minutes and installed without permanent modification to the kayak. YakShade reflects up to 70% of harmful solar rays back into the atmosphere while allowing wind to pass through the shade structure with minimal resistance. Kayaking with the YakShade brings a new level of comfort and safety while extending float time and providing a substantially enhanced kayaking experience. The YakShade has undergone 5 years of field testing in the most challenging kayaking conditions (Pacific Northwest Coast). We have a manufacturer ready to produce our first run and are on track for a Q1-2 2023 release date. We are seeking $500k in funding for our first production run, marketing, trade show costs and general rollout of the product. We will be pursuing DTC, box store merchandisers and all the major kayak manufactures to produce brand specific shades for each kayak hull currently on the market. We have preliminary designs for related products in the pipeline. Pitch deck available upon request.
V Enterprises LLC / YakShade
Overview – YakShade – wind resistant kayak shade
The YakShade provides superior shade protection while maintaining excellent watercraft stability. YakShade can be assembled in minutes and installed without permanent modification to the kayak. YakShade reflects up to 70% of harmful solar rays back into the atmosphere while allowing wind to pass through the shade structure with minimal resistance. Kayaking with the YakShade brings a new level of comfort and safety while extending float time and providing a substantially enhanced kayaking experience.
The Problem
Kayakers are exposed to harmful solar rays, which can limit float time, reduce enjoyment, and may pose serious health risks. Until now there have been no viable solutions.
· Shade structures currently on the market are expensive, impractical, and ineffective unless utilized under ideal weather conditions. None of the current shade structures on the market can be utilized in severe winds.
· With a steady increase of inclement weather the risk of skin cancer, severe sunburn, and heat stroke pose a serious concern to paddle sport enthusiasts.
· Competitors’ designs are either marginally effective or require permanent modification of the kayak, which can interfere with paddling and fishing activities.
The Solution
The YakShade design is elegant and effective and does not interfere with paddling or fishing activities. The design utilizes lightweight aluminum and extremely durable materials, (Aluminet shade cloth and Sunbrella canvas). The YakShade will provide years of protection from the sun for a very affordable price. YakShade was granted a utility patent in the USA under US Patent #9745021.
· YakShade has been successfully field tested in the Pacific Ocean over a period of 4+ years with multiple prototype refinements. The structure can operate in winds exceeding 15-20+mph without compromise.
· The design is simple yet effective and requires no permanent modifications to the kayak.
· YakShade is affordable and increases the comfort of the user while extending float time by several hours. The design is easily adaptable and will be made available for all major kayak brands regardless of hull type.
Achievements, Target Demographic, Market Projections
We have secured a U.S. utility patent that is applicable for “personal watercraft” and can be modified for paddle boards, canoes, rafts, etc. We will continue to develop innovative YakShade mounted accessories and cater to other market segments as our volume increases. We have retained Gembah Inc., a manufacturers’ liaison in Austin TX, with a proven track record in manufacturing, import/export and supply chain logistics. COGS have been finalized, manufactured prototype field-tested and approved, molds in process. We are on track for a Q1-Q2 release in 2023.
· Demographic is 83% Caucasian, 68% are homeowners, 29% have $100k+ income.
· Kayak angler demographic is 94% Caucasian male, median age 39+, of which 63% are college graduates.
· 26 million people participated in paddle sports in 2020, 15 million own kayaks, and 9 million rented kayaks for the first time.
Global kayak sales in 2020 were $672 million with a CAGR of 4.1%. Global sales are projected to exceed $1 billion over the next 10 years. The kayak accessories market was $210 million in 2020 with a CAGR of 3.9% with projected growth to exceed $312 million by 2031.
Keys to Success
Our marketing strategy will focus on: direct to consumer, national sport retailers, and kayak rental companies/touring groups. We are exploring direct sub-license agreements with the top kayak manufacturers in the US.
· DTC via social media marketing (Instagram, Facebook), online influencers, kayak angler blogs, YouTube influencers/video bloggers, Amazon, Ebay, regional and national trade shows and on-location special events.
· Wholesale accounts with retailers: REI, Cabela’s, Austin Canoe & Kayak, Yak Attack, Hobie, Vibe Kayaks, Wilderness Systems, Ocean Kayaks, Bass Pro Shops, Lifetime, West Marine, Dicks and Big 5 Sporting Goods.
· Kayak rental companies, adventure tourism groups, guided tour operators, resorts and outdoor retreat destinations.
We are soliciting $500,000 in seed financing for an initial run of 2k units, initial marketing and trade show costs, market outreach, accessory product development and startup operational costs.
· We are on track for a Q1-Q2 2023 product release.
· Our three-year target goal is 20k - 30k units in North American sales.
· Three-year convertible note with target goal to sell the company in 5 years.
Executive Team, Advisory Board, Data Sources/Statistics
Executive Team
Emanuel Dimitri Volakis, CEO and Founder
Consultants on Retainer
Gembah Inc., Manufacturing Liaison, Supply Chain and Shipping Logistics
Advisory Board
Paul Berberian, Chairman of Dash Systems Inc., CEO and Chairman of Sphero
Paul Kallmes, VC Fund Advisor, IP Consultant, New Venture Development
Data/Statistical Sources