
Raising $500K for launch. XpressPhone is building the Expedia and DoorDash of Telecom. Buy any phone and plan from any service provider and have it delivered to your home.

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Our product is a combination of Expedia and Doordash but for Canadian cell phone plans. We've built an e-commerce platform where a user can discover a cell phone plan that suits his preferences (talk, text, data, etc) and see what every carrier has to offer. The ins and outs of every plan will be transparently shown to ensure a confident shopping experience. The customer can then compare plans and phones side-by-side and select their favourite to be added to their cart. Furthermore, the customer can customize his plan by selecting additional add-ons that each carrier offers. Once the customer is satisfied, they can check out and select a delivery method. Delivery methods include 'pick-up' (skip the line) at the nearest store, or delivered by us to their preferred location (same-day if store permits), or lastly have it shipped to their location by the carrier.

We've built the Minimum viable product and have gotten great feedback so far. As far as promoter score we constantly receive 8/10 from users.

With E-sim's (electronic SIM cards) becoming industry standard in a few years we would like to create a platform where a phone plan can be bought and changed on the phone without having to go to the carrier at all. Simply buy the plan and download the carriers settings and you're good to go. 

The intended business model is to charge a flat fee ( to be negotiated with every carrier) to the carrier for every sale made on our site. The range of the fee will be between $50 to $100 per sale. Additional revenue can be generated from advertisements and placements by the carrier on our site.

The product is intended for the ages of 18 to 40. As they will be the ones most concerned with the price of a phone plan. Furthermore, that age group is also the same group of individuals who are most technologically inclined to use our site.

We haven't created any partnerships with carriers but are in the process of doing so. We have started marketing recently and to test the demand of our product we added a fake checkout and found out that several users do in fact add products to the cart and checkout. Currently, our simulated conversion rate is hovering around 3% with little to no marketing efforts. The addition of a few carriers will organically increase our customer base but we also suspect we can get conversions up to 10% or 15% if we were to invest in several streams of marketing and optimize the content on our site. Current marketing efforts include SEO (produced several articles, blog posts, guides), FB and Instagram ads, and also showcased the app across several tech sites (examples include ProductHunt, StartupBuffer, SideProject, BetaList.com, etc)

  • The Team includes:
    • Laurentiu Matei (myself) (Founder/CEO)
      • Finished Business Administration Degree at University of Windsor and Currently finishing a degree in Computer Science
    • Dalibor Loncarevic (Founder/CTO)
      • Graduated with a dual Business Administration and Computer Science Degree from the University of Windsor.
      • Former Software Developer at Tata Consultancy
      • Currently a Software Engineer at Kobo
    • Andrew Fu (Founder/COO)
      • Graduated with a Business Administration degree from the University of Windsor
      • Former City of Windsor Police officer
    • Pranav Kalra (CDO)
      • Currently Employed as a Software Developer at Tata Consultancy Services
    • Melanie Renaud (Journalist/Editor/Contributor)
      • Recently Graduated from the University of Windsor with a Digital Journalism degree. 
    • Charlize Alcaraz (Journalist/Contributor)
      • Finishing up a Journalism degree from Ryerson 

 We are requesting $500K to scale our marketing efforts along with hiring additional engineers to scale our infrastructure:
  • This funding would include the hiring of:
    • Front-end Engineer ($75K salary)
    • Back-end Engineer ($80K salary)
    • SEO expert ($50K)
    • several Co-op students for marketing and writing  positions($50K)
    • Scaling of infrastructure expenses ($100K)
    • The remainder to be used for marketing campaigns to create awareness and generate sales.

Thank you for your time.

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