Woundverse Consulting

Funding needed for software development.

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My name is Melinda Smits and I have been a nurse for 11 years.  During this time my position  has remained the same, healthcare has changed. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many facilities and service company's have been allowed to access more funding with minimal requirements or regulations from CMS. Since the bulk of the pandemic is over, entities such as Centers for Medicare Services are tightening regulations again and have more stringent requirements for payment. Combine this with staffing losses and you can see that skilled facilities and others are facing massive losses in funding at exponential rates. One of the largest costs to these entities is the expense of chronic wounds. Chronic wound management is a $28 billion dollar industry annually nationwide. This is a direct cost to facilities for treatments and services related to wounds. I believe a better approach is in prevention education from a holistic perspective. Lack of knowledge is often the main contributing factor in non compliance. My services will assess the patient, provide a risk analysis score, and targeted teaching. I believe this will provide a minimum of 20% savings to facilities without compromising patient care. 

I would use funding for hardware acquisition and software development.  I would also use additional funds for marketing purposes. 

 Wounds have always been my first true love in healthcare. Yet the approach by the industry is in healing and not prevention.  I believe my concept can change patient experiences and decreasr heal times for other illnesses while maximizing profit to facilities and other health care entities.  I am setting my goals at $50,000.  Your assistance in achieving my dreams is appreciated!

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