
Raising 150k or more to finish development and creating hardware to be installed

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Disc golf scoring app with cameras on the nets and much more hands free during the round with the use of AI. Donations back to course operators/leagues/owners base on how many rounds scored with my app that season. Loads of features that other scoring apps do not offer at a lower price point. Already have 1 course willing to let me install when available. With 2-5 more having a interest. All courses will advertise my app as it gets them a larger donation. I have been playing for 7 years and have collected a lot of good input and connections to some of the disc golf influential people in Alberta, Canada that will promote my application. I have the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) about 98% completed. Looking to fund for finishing programming,coding, create hardware,test and refine then have ready asap
Only competitor just raised their price by $21 cad for 1 year. 

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