Wilson’s Clean-Out Service

Raising 500k to create streams of passive income(cash flow)

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My business plan has twenty-four up and running vending machines at fourteen different locations. I would like to buy an ice and water vending machine(s) to up the profit. I then would buy a fourplex apartment building that has renters already in the building. Financially, we would be looking at the vending machines grossing $8,000 with a net profit of $4,000(current). The $4,000 would go up once the ice and water vending machine(s) is purchased, which alone would bring in a rough estimate of $3,967.60. Then we have the fourplex apartment which would bring in $2,750 a month(Current). If I were to get $500,000 to be able to buy the vending machine business and the fourplex. The net income total would be $6,750(not including the $3,967.60 from ice and water vending machine(s)) and that is without changing prices or trying to examine a way to cut costs to bring more profit in. I am wanting assets and passive income(cash flow) to keep growing and growing! Future vision is getting commercial real estate to rent to businesses! If the fourplex falls through, I may have an opportunity with another partner to go in on a commercial building. The building has leasing contracts for two of the spaces out of four. The two businesses that would rent are Starbucks and T-Moble very huge companies that won’t be going out of business! I just have to contribute $100,000 and the other guy would contribute $100,000. I have so many different avenues to go with the real estate side. I would contribute every penny borrowed to create as much passive income as I can. If pleased with my work, I would be willing to receive another lump sum to create more cash flow to keep growing!

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