Willy Gilly Productions, Inc

We want to raise $5 Million (USD) to acquire a multi-use production facility and fund up to THREE (3) 'low-budget' feature films.

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Willy-Gilly Productions, Inc.  is an entertainments creation, development, marketing, merchandising and distribution company. We produce Film, TV, Stage and Performing Arts. We also support a 501c3 'organization, 'The Academy of Film, TV, Stage and Performing Arts' (aftspa.org) that trains personnel and prepares individuals to enjoy successful careers in the $3.5 TRILLION DOLLAR global Entertainment industry. 

Coupled with a shared and declared commitment to, "Re-create the World through Entertainment, so that it works better for Everyone," we are seeking funding partners to upgrade our capability to serve the Broadcast & Entertainment (B&E) sector with professional talent, quality products, goods, services and the infrastructure it needs to succeed,  moving forward. 

More than this,  we want to provide aspiringTtalent with subsidy, add qualified instructors and acquire and operate an adequate physical plant and campus location capable  of delivering finished product as a part of their 'on-the-job' training. We are looking for a secure, multi-purpose 'facility' that can house modest 'state-of-the-art' sound stages, video and audio recording studios, editing suites, offices and a warehouse. All of the aforementioned are intended to provide for more fluid operation to make and economically deliver our many  (100+) 'intellectual properties' (IP). Additionally,  it is our pure intention to  effectively train  more qualified personnel to compete in an ever expanding global entertainment marketplace.    

Our team of 'expert' business and entertainment industry professionals, each with more than 50 years of successful industry experience behind them,  has designed a fully 'vertically integrated' process for profitably formulating and delivering both Talent and "IP" from conception to consumption. The next step is to consolidate our joint efforts under one roof, to economize, expedite and make more efficient our extraordinary capabilities. 

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