10 WIFI - World Information Future Internet HUB Companies

10 WIFI - World Information Future Internet HUB Companies

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WIFI HUB Overview

The WIFI HUB OVERVIEW represents the World Information Future Internet (WIFI) as the NEW DIRECTION AHEAD that can be viewed in the Architectural DESIGN Website at https://tvhnchron.com .

There will be 10 WIFI HUBS established with https://theveteranshub.net/  being the 1st of 10 Internet HUB Companies.

The WIFI Owners have established their 10 Internet HUB Partners with only one additional HUB Partner to be selected, shared at number 4 in the attachment.

The future of Internet HUBS is the NEXT GENERATION Technology. 

Mr. Bryan Berry - WIFI Co-owner designed the HUB with 13 years of development with WIFI Co-owner Mr. Allan James contributions in the last 3 plus years. 

WIFI welcomes now as its LIFETIME PARTNERS as follows:

1.    All United States HUB Authentications for Membership is with the TransUnion Partnership that can be shown at  https://hires.shareable.com/tvhn. TransUnion and WIFI will create the Global Authentication Database with the 4th Billion Dollar Company to be selected by WIFI Holding Company. 

2.    GoDaddy secures the NEXT GENERATION Partnership as "THE HUB MASTER" and "HUB BUILDER" and the official WIFI Master Projects Website Designer and Webmaster.

3.    BlueJeans by Verizon and WIFI secures the HUBS Partnership that will design the NEXT GENERATION of WIFI Media Communications.

4.    The Fourth WIFI Partner as (TBD) will be the NEXT GENERATION of the WIFI HUB DATABASES that will create from the exclusive WIFI DESIGN and introduce THE CHRON - BLOCKCHAIN exclusive technology that secures WIFI MASTER Projects.

WIFI with the United States and Global TVHN Veteran HUB and the two TVHN Investor Relations shown on the Home Page of the TVHN HUB is the NEXT GENERATION and THE NEW DIRECTION AHEAD!

Welcome to the first WIFI TVHN HUB with three United States Billion Dollar Corporate Partners.

YOUR 30-Day SPECIAL OFFER – If you or your company are interested in the attachments shared below defining the 4 WIFI opportunities, submit your interest and WIFI Pros Platinum shown below as one of the 10 WIFI HUBS will secure your company as a Lifetime Pros Platinum Golden Sponsor securing number 2.

In Addition, your company will be able to choose from 400 to 1,000 Square Feet from 1 to 800 locations of The Pros Who Knows Stores. Details will be provided upon the amount from selecting 1 through 4 below at: 



WIFI – 4 Programs Word Document or PDF Attachment

10 WIFI HUB Companies Overview

1.    THE CHRON - PROTECTING WIFI’s Infrastructure Master Projects and the FUTURE Website and Databases.
2.    The Veterans HUB Network https://theveteranshub.net
3.    TVHN.org HUB – The Voice and The Vision for United States and Global Veterans – Website https://tvhn.org/
Note 2 and 3 – WIFI owners will secure two high ranking retired military women officers to become CEO/President (one for Global and one for the United States and US Territories) 
5.    UMM “Universal Market Media” becomes the Next Generation Internet Television Media Network of WIFI Commercials / Radio / Special Events / Concerts / Vignettes / Television Shows / News Network / Sporting Events / Motion Pictures https://umm.network/
7.    WIFI Pros Platinum HUB - Universal Financing Business Model Network Services https://prosplatinum.biz/
YOUR 30-Day Special Offer
NOTE: WIFI Pros Platinum is secured in number 4 with all that become Lifetime Pros Platinum Golden Sponsor. 
8.    Jungleworld.biz Environmental & Ecological Eco-Friendly Services /Space Age / Technological and Advanced Technical Companies and Services https://jungleworld.biz/   
9.    WIFI - United States and Global Master Projects HUB  https://tvhnchron.com/master-projects  
10.           WIFI Holding Company – 2 WIFI Owners with the future WIFI 500 ELITE Global Influencer’s.  


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