Western States Fire Inc.(WSF) - SKHI-EX Wildland Aerial Fire Suppression System

SKHI-EX - Game Changing Aerial Wild Fire Suppression System, Domestic and International

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WSF has developed the next generation of wildland aerial fire suppression technology utilizing environmentally friendly foam that is more effective and efficient then current solutions. The SKHI-EX™ solution business model is highly attractive due to recurring revenue.  WSF has developed the next generation for firefighting,  SKHI-EX™ a proprietary foam that is dropped by a helicopter that is up to 9x more effective at controlling wildfires than traditional helicopter operations.  The management team and key advisors have over 100 years of firefighting experience and understanding of the challenges. The company’s go-to market plan incorporates early partnerships with government agencies and long-term strategic partnerships with firefighting contractors. The market for SKHI-EX™ systems is $600+ million and the foam market is $1.4 billion annually.  The  pressure for a solution to the expanding numbers of wildfires & environmental impacts is high domestically and internationally. WSF and SKHI-EX™ are positioned to address this critical need. For more information please review  this link to an interview with the Founder and CEO Larry Sukay  https://youtu.be/3iiHgnaEK6U

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