My business is both unique and needed. I am a medical hair loss practitioner. My company's name is Wear Hair For You I help medical hair loss clients for men, women, and children. I am also board certified by AMCA. My business is also trademarked. Please visit my website and it will explain and answer most of your questions.
RE: Investment request for 5 million dollars.
Dear Investor,
There is an opportunity to invest in my company that I own 100%.
I started this company in January of 2002, in the basement of my home.
I have since been in commercial space for 19 years.
My ability to turn a profit started in 2013. Although the business has been growing at a great rate, I believe an injection of capital funds will position this company to reach out and help more people that need these services. Including cancer patients and various forms of medical hair loss.
I also have intellectual property that needs to be developed. I have made a prototype and researched the market and there is no product like this available.
Specifically, I am requesting an investment for the following purpose:
1, Franchise this entity to certain cities, For example Baltimore and John Hopkins Hospital location.
2, Training and hiring individuals to assist medical hair loss Patients/clients.
3, Develop the intellectual property and distribute through out the United States and possibly be a global presence.
4, Money needed for franchising, inventory, build out for locations, Attorneys, CPA, and contract Attorneys. In total, I am asking for 5 million dollars.
The wig industry is a 7.1 billion dollar market according to Fortune Business insights.
We partner with Virginia Cancer specialists, as well as Oncology Physicians and Nurse navigators.
It is my hope that an investment from you would lead to a greater future for WEAR HAIR FOR YOU as well as the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship between us.
Please feel free to contact me. Please view the WEAR HAIR FOR YOU website to give you more in sight into this much needed endeavor.
I thank you for your attention in this matter.
Best Regards,
Laura Williams Waites
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