Walhalla Farm Community Supported Agriculture

Raising 300k for innovative farm growth

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We are a small farm in upstate NY serving NYC through our CSA. We offer our customers organic vegetables, mushrooms, as well as grass-fed meat. We need capital to increase our capacity for the 2025 season.  There are several needs the farm has to insure it’s success while growing.

Our own solar power and storage. Our monthly energy costs are over 1k a month.

Reliable cold storage to make the fulfillment of large orders doable. 

Hoop houses to extend the season

The purchase or leasing of more land for growing

A refrigerated delivery vehicle  - in this need we have an innovative solution to solve current issues and increase sales. The farm would like to invest in a vehicle that is similar to a food truck, but designed as a mobile CSA pick-up Location. Allowing is to keep our product fresh, but also create a mobile community hub around our members. 

Our delivery vehicle would allow us to capitalize on NYC business who want to create a workplace CSA. Employees would be able to pick up their goods weekly, after work and right outside their office.

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