I have a seasonal ice cream/water ice store. I have 75,000 in equipment and supply liability I would like to consolidate to one low interest payment a month. I also need to purchase an additional 20,000 water ice machine to open this season. We are a community driven business targeting families and local schools and activities. My husband and I work the store daily and besides my grandchildren, we hire all the local high school kids to work. We do many organization funding during the summer such as store coupons to all school kids in the community (approx 7,000), local dance studios, school teams and scouts. We focus on the community activity and really enjoy meeting all the residents of our community. We used to have a water ice business in NE Philadelphia over 30 years ago. My husband and I are in our seventies and since we are retired, decided to invest all our savings into this business as a legacy for my grandchildren who work each summer with us. I feel that we can make a great business if we could consolidate our loans/credit cards to one monthly low interest paying debt or a grant to help us move forward.
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