Virtualtronix LLC

Looking for an initial $341K in funding to launch VR related product for 2023.

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Virtualtronix LLC was formed to develop virtual reality technology for entertainment and SW development tools. 

Basic Business Concept of VFS Project
•Small Live event venues have limited seating capacity.   
•Expansion of the venue is expensive and most likely not doable
•Venues make money primarily on ticket sales
•VFS expands a venue virtually by streaming a live event venues content to a HMD of the “Virtual Fan” (consumer of streamed content)
•The “Virtual fan” pays to gain access to the live event content without having to travel to the event location

VFS Composition
•At the venue is a 3D camera with 3D audio connected to a backend server
•The backend server streams and stores live event content to a frontend server located at the end-user location
At the end-user location Is the aforementioned frontend server, HMD(s), and internet connection

More details at 

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