Valley Fresh Grocer ( name of retreat in progress)

Healthy Eating OFF Grid Retreat

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With the worlds raising prices and fast pace lives people are stressed, drained, and eating poorly. What we need in this country is more places to de-stress, unwind and eat a healthy meal. Also more affordable healthy options for food on the daily. 

We are looking to set up Glamping Tents and Cabins for rental. Also have rejuvenation amenities on the property.

We want people to be coming to re-connect with Nature, Enjoy their family OR their own peace and quite, while sitting on their private decks or hiking on the trails through the property.

A shower house, Geo Dome and spa area will be the first amenities we will set up. To attract higher paying customers.

 Currently we provide  healthy food to rural communities at affordable prices. Which we are looking at expanding as well. We need a bigger vehicle and advertising budget to grow this already running business.  

For future growth in both businesses we will have a large all season green house and even larger seasonal garden where we can grow root veggies that can be stored through the winter.  

Once the facility is set up we will host weekend and 9 day healthy eating retreats to reset and help change people's lives. 

The 9 day cleanse will be all raw food and juicing, where people can learn to aid their illnesses and change their lives!

What we are looking for from donators and investors....
-Donations of $250 or more will receive free nights stay or more
-Donations of $2500 or more will receive retreat of their choice
-Donations of items: saunas, hot tubs, cabins, equipment/tools, labor will receive nights stay depending on donations
-Purchase land and be partial owner of the business

Future plans for the Dream property....
-Geodome with Hydrotherapy Hot tub/Sauna, Cold Plunge, relax areas
-Solarium with pool and tropical plants
-Swimmable dug out with sandy beach
-Common area with outdoor kitchen, BBQ's and gathering area
-Commercial Kitchen for events/weddings etc.
-Hiking, walking, cross country skiing, quadding, snowshoeing, star gazing areas, yoga and meditation areas
-Mud pit, sand box, sand hill, play ground, area where kids can play in nature and be kids, get dirty
-Hosting many kinds of retreats but out main one being the 9 day raw food cleanse

Our story and why we have this passion.....
Before Kyle and I met we were both over worked and eating poorly.

When I got pregnant I quit my job and went full time into my carpet cleaning business. My dream goal was to be a stay at home mom with a great income from my business. What i found was that I really just created myself an around the clock job. Yes I was home with my kids, but bringing them to job after job, on the phone morning day and night. I was defiantly not present. Once my second was born I had double my business in the same year. Managing 10 to 15 employee's, answering my phones, booking appointments, doing crew house laundry (approx 10 loads a day) 7 days a week. My body was in constant pain. The doctors said i may need hip or back surgery, I was ONLY 35. I obviously wasn't going to do that. 

So I decided to stop going into the field and took on more work at home. I was finding myself very short tempered and not having as much fun with the kids. I was getting very little sleep and living off of coffee. I could barley function. Something had to change!

Covid came. Stopped everything, I almost lost everything I had build. I was now an emotional wreck. So I decided to step back. Take the break that covid locking us down forced us to do.

Made some big changes, moved cities, left my spouse and did a 9 day all raw food cleanse. I never in a million years thought that the cleanse would cure my biggest issues. Stress gone, anxiety lifted, brain clarity 100% and the biggest for me was NO MORE PAIN!! Two weeks previous to the cleanse I started juicing celery every morning and cut the Coffee, sugars, gluten, dairy and bad fats (to reduce the detox symptoms during the cleanse). For 5 years I had been regularly going to physio, IMS (needling) and doctors to deal with the pain. I couldn't physically work in the field anymore. After the cleanse I did one of the largest jobs i have done in my career alone. Three Couches, 2 love seats, 2 full flights of stairs and 5 areas of carpets, guess what!?! I did it and walked out of there with zero pain! I felt like i was 20 again!

Since this life changing experience I have been sharing it with everyone I can, but its just not good enough.  I want to create a space where I can impact lots of people, helping them through the 9 day raw food life cleanse among other life skills. Guide them to living the life we came into this world to live! I see changing this quarter into a space where we can do that. 

 Kyle's Story......
Kyle had health issues his whole childhood, then at 11 years old was diagnosed with Alopecia and started loosing all his hair. By the time he was 14 he was completely bald, no eyebrows, no arm hair, no hair on his body at all. Being picked on and ridiculed throughout puberty he grew up with lots of anger inside. Never learning how to deal his pent up anger, it ate away at him and created more issues. 

Life went on, and kyle became an electrician right after high school. 15 years of working in oil field, long hours, living  in camps or hotel rooms, living off of fast food, coffee and liitle sleep.  this poor lifestyle caught up to him, Kyle was diagnosed with  fatty liver at 25. He continued to eat poorly and over work himself. 

Throughout 2022 he had covid ended up in the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack. Turns out it was myocarditis, along with an irregular heart beat and high anxiety. Then followed multiple panic attack and trips to the hospital. He was only 32. This being a near death experience scaring the shit out of Kyle he knew he need to make a change.
Shortly after he moved in with me.

I had been eating a very clean diet. Mostly veggies, lots of potatoes and locally raised meats. Which Kyle adapted to very quickly, he also started juicing and took some time off work. Within a couple of month his myocarditis seemed to be better, his stress reduced and believe it or not his eyebrows started to grow back!! Its amazing what food and life style can do to us. Bad or good what we eat has a huge effect on our body's, mental and physical well being.

Seeing these changes in himself in such a short time has made Kyle also want to show the world what we can do with diet, relaxation and happiness. 

We both are on the same page in wanting to create our dream oasis where kids can be kids, connect with nature, while parents de-stress and reconnect as well. Having Tents and or cabins far enough apart in the trees on the quarter where people can have space. While also creating an amazing social area for people to join and visit with like minded people. Creating the perfect balance.

Now we are looking for other like minded people to join us or just support us in creating this dream for change. Lets make this change together.

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Valley Fresh Grocer ( name of retreat in progress) is no longer seeking funding.