I buy life insurance policies. I have a PPM ready to go to the SEC for a DPO. $5,000,000 is nothing! I buy life insurance policies that have a death benefit of $250,000 or more.
Flexible deal structures:
Willing to offer up to half the stock.
Willing to let everyone double their investment quickly.
Willing to take a $100,000 investor and offer 10-14 percent annual returns.
Examples of what's out there:
Control $250,000 for 12% of the face amount down and 4% of the face amount per year til death.
I can buy $5,000,000 policies for $175,000 a year. Our medical team reviews. We target life expectancy of five years or less.
I will donate a $1.3 million term on myself to the first group that invests $1.3 million or more, I would be your key man.
We can also get as much as 25-38 percent per year in our fund holding the funds to buy life policies, we need a ten year commitment on the money to get this. We can get a zero return for a year, but we never lose principal. We can also get 6% and other returns as well. We don't put money in the stock market.
Let us send the prospectus! We will get you big dollars back quick.
This is our cash cow too. My area needs houses, my part of the profits on this will build houses for foster kids, 7,000 in my state, 400,000 across the country. We would like to provide the best drinking water from an underground river. Our nonprofit has a dream to provide housing for the homeless veteran's and the homeless in cities. These folks need moved off main street they are killing businesses, we have planned communities for them. www.victoryforourregion.org is the website for our nonprofit.
It about more than making money, but we have to build that cash cow to fund all of the needs in our communities.
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