Raising $500K to build a "Netflix for UX", a video streaming service dedicated to User Experience content.

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UX+ is the first-ever UX (User Experience) streaming service with exclusive, high-quality content offered as a subscription service. Think of it as a "Netflix for UX" service. Content includes original shows we produce, top talks and keynotes from UX-oriented conferences. We are raising $500,000, mostly for post-production of content and online marketing.
We aim to help UX practitioners and enthusiasts find and regularly consume high-quality video content.

We believe (and conducted research that proves) that there is a significant demand for this type of content, as more and more people are becoming interested in design, UX, and Product and looking for ways to learn and stay informed about the latest trends and techniques. We have already secured partnerships with leading content creators and have a solid plan in place for acquiring and producing new content. We have agreements signed with three conferences, and we are currently working with more than 30 show hosts on their original UX+ shows. Of these, 3 shows finished filming, 5 have filmed at least one episode, and the rest are in late concept development and pre-production phases. We are confident that our focus on high-quality programming will set us apart from other streaming services and alternatives and attract (and retain) a dedicated and engaged audience.

We plan to generate revenue through subscriptions and sponsorships. In the future, we plan to expand into enterprise subscriptions, merchandise, and live events. 

We are two cofounders:
  • Tomer Sharon: A UX guy. Ex-UX Researcher at Google, Head of UX at WeWork, & Head of UX Research & Metrics at Goldman Sachs. Author of 3 UX books. LinkedIn
  • Tim Malieckal: Director and editor. Formerly, Lead Editor at Google Developer Studio NYC, and Editor at A&E Television Networks. LinkedIn

We produce our original content while following these principles: 
  • Clean & tidy: Our programming is organized, structured, straightforward, and introduces minimalist design and editing.
  • Friendly & approachable: Hosts and speakers engage the audience, not talk down at you.
  • Inclusive: We give a stage to show hosts and speakers of diverse races, genders, geographies, and languages.
  • Meaningful: We insist on high-quality, curated content that is valuable and appreciated by our audience.
  • Respectful: We respect our audience and creators’ time and attention span.
We welcome the opportunity to share our origin story, vision, and excitement with you and explore partnership options. 
Thank you!

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