To Whom It May Concern,
BE US NOW LLC was established in 2020 where it was initially engaged in Sales & Marketing of Rugby League. Through hard work and our fair share of good fortune, BE US NOW LLC has successfully been engaged by the US Performance Center to manage all Rugby activity out of the brand new facility to be built in Kannapolis, NC. This $1.2Bn project is an Olympic Training Center but also comes with teh opportunity to extend growth into commercial opportunities and International engagement of Professional and Amateur sporting organizations. From 2022, BE US NOW is the sole responsibility of all activities for US Rugby Elite Pathways and USA Women's Rugby League. We also plan to engage with F45 to develop opportunities to add commercial strength to the investment portfolio by locking down the NC market.
We are responsible for the development of Women's Rugby League in the USA. Along with USA Women's Rugby League Inc (a nonprofit 501.c.3), we are developing domestic competitions across the US alongside the development of youth and educational programs. Endorsed by the NGB, our focus is on the promotion of Women's Rugby League across the America's region. With a developing player base, will see new 9's competition formed that will engage the US market. With Rugby League being very similar in development as American Football, many supporters will be engaged with Rugby League due to its similarities.
Our goal is to work with like minded organizations to raise the profile of the sport and leverage new technologys in GPS data and fan engagement. With recent announcements by the International Governing Body (IRL) for the expansion of the Women's Rugby League World Cup from 8 to 16 teams, this provides the USA an opportunity to qualify and also allows many players that cannot get the opportunity within Rugby Union, the chance to be a part of a World Cup. It opens up the opportunity for cross code sports such as Football, Lacrosse, Basketball, Soccer etc to all be given opportunities not offered on the world stage by their current sports.
With the US Performance Center opening in 2024, as well as the opportunities to host the Rugby League World 9's in 2026, and the Rugby League World Cup in 2029, the growth potential and forecast looks very bright for the package that we have compiled for potential JV and/or Equity investments.
I look forward to hearing a favorable response and an opportunity to expand convesations with your group.
Kind regards,
Garen Casey
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