Tv remote finderl

I have invented and got a patent number from the uspto. Need grant to seek help getting it assembled and commercialize I got this though invent help but they only went so far. I have blue prints ustpo send me but I have never build a remote before I also have a video demo.

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In today's world, where we constantly see increasing levels of stress and conflict, my invention aims to alleviate a small yet significant source of daily frustration: the misplaced TV remote. This device is designed to help people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds—be they children, adults, seniors, or individuals with disabilities—find their remote control with ease.
Imagine a device that, at the press of a button, makes your TV remote start beeping and flashing, instantly revealing its location. This simple yet effective solution can prevent countless arguments, reduce stress, and bring a bit of joy and convenience to households and businesses everywhere.
The universal struggle of losing the TV remote affects everyone. By investing in this product, you will be helping to create a tool that promotes harmony and convenience in daily life. I have already secured a patent for this innovative remote finder and have the blueprints ready. What I need now is your support to assemble and commercialize this product.
Join me in bringing a little more peace and a lot more smiles to homes and businesses around the world.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

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