TssTssman Herbals Inc.

Hi! Im Uscla Desarmes, and I need your investment to build a great business. Please be my investor. Thank you.

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To  investors,

Our interest with your investment is to finish the opening of our  first ( Juice bar/ health food service) located at 461 Irvington ave, South Orange Nj. The capital we're need  to accomplish this goal is ($1 mil) for 3-5 year term.

Use of funds
Our use of  funding is to finish renovation of facility,   build-out our manufacturing warehouse, Lab and equipment to setup bottling and packaging,  We also plan to employ 15 personnel to help with our endeavors. 

Ownership & Structure
TssTssman Herbals Inc. Is register as a C-corporation incorporated in Delaware 2015. Our founder Uscla Desarmes is sole owner and Chemist of the company with intention to partner with future investors.

Company History
TssTssman Herbal, Inc. is formed to be an innovative corporation specialized in new wave of natural herbs specifically designed to cater to various acidic conditions of the body for any, color, age, gender develop by the company's founder and president, Uscla J. Desarmes who emphasizes the quality service means great health for client. He created a new system known as Herbal Cellular Regenerative Therapy to make the human body function better for the future of mankind.

Management Team
TssTssman Herbal, Inc. management team will consist of the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the program's executive director. A team of professional and Managing Director will be assembled to manage and grow the firm.

Uscla J. Desarmes is the Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of TssTssman Herbal, Inc. He is the driving force of the organization with over 20 years of herbal knowledge and also the chemist behind our product.

Hebert Charleston Executive VP of TssTssman Herbal, Inc. Wesleyan University Alumni with more than 20 years of business management experience.

Key assumptions
Our therapeutic service comes in three parts. Gold, Silver and Bronze membership, plus our general walk in daily service at a $150.00. The first is the gold standard therapy, which is made for the more severely challenge client, three visits per week at a $100.00 per visit for six months. The second is the silver therapy, for the mid-challenge client at two visits twice a week at a $100.00 per visit for six months. Our third is the bronze, client pay $125.00 per visit for three months. 

We estimating in the first year we will sign 150 members in our gold package, 200 in the silver and 300 in our bronze. By the second year, we'll double that amount and by our third year, quadruple our sales projection. We'll execute those sales forecast by growing the company through excellence, authentic service and a remarkable, consistent marketing plan.

Revenue by Month $10-20k

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