Top Deck Towers Cards & Games LLC

Looking for 75k to keep the dream going

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Top Deck Towers Cards & Games was opened for NW Tucson, AZ local gamers. Open with the intent to reach and expand the tabletop game and hobby community of NW Tucson, Top Deck Towers has been the go to location for the past 5 years for all collectable, hobby, and gaming needs. 

Top Deck Towers Cards & Games (Top Deck) caters to the community by providing a mix of both retail and entertainment. Not only do we sell collectable card games such as: Magic The Gathering, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh, Warhammer 40k,  and role playing games. It also provides a communal space for customers to enjoy these hobbies and games with other enthusiasts. By 2020 the business was set to make its first big expansion as well as buy out the one of two members who had become disinterested in the business. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. 

 During COVID, the door was shut on our game room to protect our community. We received no assistance from the federal government to help mitigate the loss from the attraction that draws in nearly 60% of our monthly revenue. The funds that had been saved to renovate the business, buy out one of the owners, and hire on our first employees were used just to weather the storm of the pandemic. To save the business, one owner took out cash advance loans knowing that the business had the potential to survive the pandemic.

Even though the business is able to pay for these fees, it has left us in a position where we have no profit to save and grow with. The funds invested in the business would be for the following:

First; 20K would be used to remove the partner that is no longer interested in being in the business from the equation.
Second; 40K would be used to pay off all debts that exist from the height of COVID
Third; The remaining balance would be used to finally make renovations to the business, not only increasing the aesthetics but opening even more revenue streams that have sat on the backburner for now three years.

I am looking for someone who is willing to invest the money for a 20% ROI after 5 years. The business already pays that much to the bank that provided the cash advance loan, however due to the nature of the loan, 10% of the total must be paid off monthly. If we could decrease that amount to a 2% per month repayment it would allow the business to rebuild its savings and plan for an even better future.

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