🏠Start up! 150k for an Efficiency-based Specialized Roofing Company (Commercial/Resedntial) Trailblazers to an ever-expanding market 🏠

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       đźŹ    (Brief detailing): 2 man combined 30yr experience in commercial/residential construction contracting industry; looking for funding to start-up a an efficiency-based, specialist roofing company in the state-wide Connecticut area(expand when possible). FURTHER DETAILED OVERVIEW AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BELOW👇🏼

          The US Roofing Market has had a steadily increasing growth for years now. Just in the annual gap of 2020-2021 the entire industry jumped 3.8% in total revenue. đź’° As explosive as that may seem, it is on track to grow up to 20% from 2022-2027!!! With material-based changes needed for Solar application, or light-weight advanced, even traditional shingling, new roofs are becoming of thing of the present and future. If that’s not incentive enough, these things will always need replacing! You wouldn’t let a year old truck ride on years’ old tires! The difference here is these numbers are simply off highlighted consumer demand; those who WILL PAY immediately, and the less-able that saved to pay WHEN THEY CAN. Even if inconvenient, most homeowners or businesses will still pay for the job to get done in order to maintain safety and security! BUT, where does this leave the thousands of home, complex, and business-owners, who cannot afford the prices of the typical contractors in 2022???? That’s where we stake our claim that it IS possible to provide everybody with this life-altering necessity without dropping in quality  or relativity of the product!! We’re prepared to get EVERY kind of job finished.

         The goal of our business as people that can relate  to hard times, is to shine the light at the end of the tunnel in this economy and crisis of industry; ultimately, helping all customers understand that it is achievable to maintain and apply one of the most essential pieces to a safe and secure home; without having it financially cave in on them! Nobody wants to be in a position where they need to decide on milk or gas, because of a recent home-saving purchase draining their bank account! As a father of 3, and at one a point a single father to my 4 year old daughter; living together in a leaky, unsafe, one room apartment, I understand this feeling of financial despair and crisis, to no end.

        We are currently, creating a system of accessibility to every toggle-able option, while emphasizing affordability AND safety to clientele. All the while, tapping into to a clientele that will expand sales so heavily growth and expansion of business is inevitable!

         In time, we have the drive to expand total range of motion and quickly move to becoming, a true first choice to all in need of the best, newest, most secure, and efficient, state-of-the-art Roof!!! Our price range flexibility partnered with the focus on cutting edge roofing technology is what will always set us apart from the rest of the industry! We want to help ALL kinds of people under ANY financial status handle their home needs safely and primarily, even when they are in a financial squeeze!; To NEVER “hang it over their heads”. 

         Join us in being a way finder of the future of this industry, and truly help people who are in need of such an important piece of physical and mental security. I for one never want anyone to experience what I was forced to with my daughter in our old apartment. Let’s establish this change for accessibility, and apply to everyone in need.
        Funding dedicated but not limited to all of the following
•Single-purchase equipment costs 
• Licensing Fees, as well as, Town Permit fees, per order of the state and or district relative to home/building location
• All Insurance(s) and inclusion of quality benefits necessary, to ensure security and enforce professionalism for all employees/teams that are company active 
• Protection from loss related to any withholding or  non-finalizing payment  of a client (customer insufficient funds, bad banking checks, payment refusal etc…)
•To aid hire of a strong, ultimate team for unbeatable advertisement! Spreading our brand to all platforms of promo possible is key for growth and success

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