Tipping Point Publishing, LLC

Have contracts for 3 global press conferences targeting 4.6 billion people, and all is ready!

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High return, zero risk, short-term loan of $67k for launching an international live-streaming press conference in NY, reaching 4.6 billion people.

Subject: The Doomsday Clock is 90 seconds until midnight, the closest it has been in human history.

Solution: I have two, "history" making copyrighted works that will reverse climate change and stop Earth’s Sixth Mass Planetary Extinction cycle. One is a provable physics theorem that solves Quantum Theory and transcends the laws of physics. The second is for the non-scientist. Both feature a 5-step, "scientifically" proven process anyone can do to save themselves and loved ones, even if both live on opposite sides of the World. Each sells for $14.99. This solution will be of extreme interest to 69% of the World worried about the climate and realize that governments and science will not solve the problem in time. Which 238 science sources on my website--the United Nations, NASA, the White House, Cambridge University, etc.—prove that Earth has gone past its tipping point; today’s adults having only 40 more years to live, and your children and grandchildren, dying horrific deaths 36 years later, surviving their last days by cannibalism. Yes, this is science but cross-verified in the Bible as well as other religions.

Information on my highly specialized background will be provided at your request.

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