The Sandy Pond Soccer Club, New England SportScapes LLC

Seeking an investor to access real estate and make land improvements towards a home soccer field, and peripheral athletic, agricultural, and educational pursuits.

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To whom it may concern,

Thank you for considering an investment in New England SportScapes LLC, our soccer club, Sandy Pond SC, and the broad vision we have to connect people and their families. I believe in athletics as an institution, instilling responsibility, accountability, and character. I also believe much of society and business is reflected through sport. A trend in many sports these days is the ability of teams and players to do everything in the game. Ohtani hits and pitches, seven-footers shoot threes, and 10 soccer players all attack and defend. As our soccer club grows as a business, we aim to effectively cover the entire pitch as a business and lifestyle revolution.

Starting with the simple concept of adult soccer at the rec level, applying a world-class attitude, and growing in every possible direction is how we move forward. A diverse group of people assembled for a pickup game in 2022, and an ever-growing revolving door has grown the club to over 80 players, some plan on playing up the age ranks together, some plan to get their kids involved in our future youth academy. We have teams for whom the goal is to compete all-out and push us up a competitive ladder, and other squads welcome anyone looking to have fun and be a part of a team. We have beginners on the autism spectrum and all-out competitors who have played for years. We’re growing forwards and backwards from the 18+ and 30+ teams we currently run, and we’ll soon provide a total experience for all players.

For adults, you’ll have that feeling of being on a team again, in uniform, and even able to play alongside your kids. The ultimate compliment to me as the founder is when people bring their kids out to play in our pickup games, and I hope to soon see more parents and kids sharing the club crest in a competitive capacity by breaking into youth soccer. Youth soccer is a lucrative business these days, we all hear the pay to play conversation, and even running an adult club I can tell you those even smaller adult costs inhibit people. I’m not looking to follow the same youth club model, but rather revolutionize how we see youth sports. 

There’s little doubt the lives of children have changed drastically in recent times. They need new infrastructure to adjust to a changing world, and parents need options to provide the childhood and life they want for their kids. Sandy Pond Soccer Academy is not going to practice after school with scheduled times for different ages. It is going to start in the morning, it is going to use soccer as we see it on the world stage as an institutional backdrop for childhood education. Kids will come in the morning and start their day on the field, cleated up and ready to just play around, have fun and start thinking about getting better. From there we’ll take things into practices, meal-times, and study time provided for students to work on an online homeschool program of their family’s choosing and control. We’d of course love to help with that, but our primary goals will be to cultivate active young minds with a sense of team and respect. And like our adult players, we’ll allow for what works, a little soccer to leave time for other things, or optional competitive youth teams with practices and league games with the utmost ambitions. 

We value time and space with a soccer ball at our feet, and it’s exactly what we need to advance our club. Time in the day, and a field to call home. A home field would allow us to play out our vision in so many ways, not only reducing field and league costs, but eliminating rental overhead for the youth programs we want to start. In addition a piece of real estate would mean much more, as I plan on drawing on my experience farming and cooking to introduce more health and nutrition into athletics. I would also draw on my creative side to create fun new attractions, such as a miniature golf course with vegetables as obstacles, providing a living course that grows everyday and helps feed us.

The possibilities are endless, but starting with a simple idea like soccer, and just by trying to get better we’re only a few short passes away from our collective goal of all being healthier, better teammates, and being with our families and friends. In the vision I’ve described, we have a soccer club where you are dropping your kid off in the morning to play and learn, they’re seeing their food grow next to their soccer field and being fed a healthy meal. You as a parent are wearing our jersey in the adult league at night. You’re playing with your kid in our weekend pickup game. Maybe one day you’re both representing us in leagues at the 40+ and 18+ levels, and are sharing the field on our adult rec teams. Maybe you’re at our home field everyday coaching and maintaining the property. 

We have a much better vision than beer league for adults and anxiety inducing over-priced youth sports. We have a complete vision for the game and for life, and if there’s any element we missed, we’ll find a way to incorporate it when there’s a will and away. This is a model I hope people use for any sport or activity they’re passionate about, to grow in all directions and bring people together. We are a cheesy sports movie playing out in real life, from our willingness to struggle until we make it in a new and difficult league, to the revolutionary changes we’ll make to grow athletics as the great institution it is, that has taught the skills of life to so many.

What I am specifically looking for in an investor is someone to invest in a property we can convert into a full-size outdoor field, with the capabilities to add an indoor soccer facility. I would then manage the property and run the business on a percentage-based lease-to-own agreement. Additional revenue through vegetable production, possible food businesses, and other athletic or agricultural attractions like vegetable mini-golf would supplement the soccer club and the accompanying youth academy. I’ve personally invested in this team for two years, the people I’ve met and the personal growth I’ve uncovered managing it are profound in the most fun way. I can’t wait to continue our growth and see who else comes through that door. 

“I’m trying to write the blueprint for all the world to understand.” - SOJA

Thank you,

Matthew J. Detora

Founder and Director
The Sandy Pond Soccer Club
New England SportScapes LLC

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