The Sanctuary Theater Company

Raising 650K to solidfy our building arrangement

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In 2022 I started the Sanctuary Theater Company when I saw a huge need in the community for casting to be more inclusive. With our theater company we started what we call Blind-Auditions, where my casting team does not see those auditioning and casting is done solely on their talent. It's enabled us these last few years to become a very safe place for the LGBTQ+ community here in Utah, it allows us to have more minority and POC actors and actresses feel welcome and considered for big roles, and it's provided a safe haven for a lot of people. 

In May of 2022 I made arrangements to purchase a mixed used venue that is part residential and part business. At the time I was personally making 250K by working two full time tech jobs and our real estate agent and loan officers thought the loan process would be easy, so we entered into a seller finance agreement with the previous owner thinking I'd get a regular loan pay him off quickly and have a traditional mortgage. However, it didn't work out that way the conventional loan route fell through when we got to the appraisal because we could only get it appraised as a business even thought a large portion of the home is residential, and because I'm a newer business I don't have the business history to secure a business loan for the property. 

I've renegotiated with the seller but he's getting impatient has started foreclosure on me and keeps trying to hustle me for more money. I'm looking for someone that can help fund this amazing venue and allow us to keep our doors open for community that we are building here. We are a much needed and safe place for people right now and I want to continue to see our community grow and thrive especially as we've just hit our stride and seem to be making some momentum. 

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